This article only applies to the old designer. Not sure which designer you have? Check here.
In order to add a "Give a Gift" button to your site, you'll have to perform some minor edits to the code.
For the purpose of this document, we'll be using the Bold Theme.
1. Go to Design
From the dashboard, click the Design tab. You should see a list of themes to edit.
2. Select 'Code'
Click the Code button for the theme that you want to add the gift button to.
For the previous two steps refer to Launching the Code Editor
3. Open index.html
You are looking for the file that contains the subscribe button. Usually this is index.html, but could be in base.html or header.html depending on your theme. You are looking for code similar to:
<div class="cta">
<a class="getstarted-button" href="/subscribe" data-barley="index_cta_main" data-barley-editor="linkedit">
Get Started
4. Copy, Paste and Edit a new button
You will have to ensure that the 'data-barley' attribute value is unique before you can save the edits. Also, you may have to adjust some style for the new button to adjust spacing and such.