This customization is not available on the Swift or Rapido themes. You can install any new theme by navigating to the  Cratejoy Design Store  on your Cratejoy account.

Instead of using the provided Jinja macros for setting up the One-Time shop pages you can choose to replace the macros with your own HTML structure.

Here are some good starting point scripts to get you going.


{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}One-Time Products{% endblock %}

{% block page_content %} 
<div class="headline-container">
  <div class="headline">
    <div class="container"> 
      <div class="col-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1">
        <h2 class="heading h-section text-center large-grp" data-barley="shop_main_heading" data-barley-editor="simple">The Shop</h2>  
        <div class="filter-cards row">
          <div class="col-sm-6 text-right">
            <span class="label" data-barley="shop_tags_label" data-barley-editor="simple">Browse by tag</span>
            <select class="cselect" id="tags">
              <option value="all">All</option>
              {% for tag in tags %}
              <option value="{{ tag.slug }}" {% if tag.slug == category %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{|title }}</option>
              {% endfor %}
          <div class="col-sm-6">
            <span class="label" data-barley="shop_sort_label" data-barley-editor="simple">Sort by</span>
            <select class="cselect" id="sortby">
              <option value="">Product: Newest</option>
              <option value="low" {% if sort == 'low' %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>Price: Low to High</option>
              <option value="high" {% if sort == 'high' %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>Price: High to Low</option>

<div class="container"> 
  <div class="col-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1">
    {% paginate products by 12, page %}
      {% set ctr = 0 %}
      <div class="row">
      {% for product in paged_items %}
      {% if ctr == 4 %}
      <div class="row">
      {% set ctr = 0 %}
      {% endif %}
        <section class="card col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12">
          <a href="/shop/product/{{ }}">
            {{ product | object_img_centered(default_img_path=settings.product_placeholder_img, css_class="img-container") }}
            <span class="heading hsmall-grp">{{ }}</span>
            {% set min = product.calc_min_ecom_price() %}
            {% set max = product.calc_max_ecom_price() %}

            {% if max == min %}
              <span class="price">{{ min | currency }}</span>
            {% else %}
              <span class="price">{{ min | currency }} - {{ max | currency }}</span>
            {% endif %}

            {% if reviews_data and product.reviewable %}
            <div class="listing-product-rating product-rating" data-score="{{ reviews_data.avg_ratings[] | float }}"></div>
            {% endif %}
      {% if loop.last %}
      {% endif %}
      {% set ctr = ctr + 1 %}
      {% endfor %}
      <div class="text-center">
        {{ navigation }}
    {% endpaginate %}                     
{% endblock %}

{% block page_javascript %}

{% if reviews_data %}
{{ 'js/bower_components/raty/lib/jquery.raty.js' | global_asset_url | javascript_tag }}
{% endif %}

jQuery(document).ready(function (){ 
  jQuery("#tags").on("change", function() {
    var url = window.location.href.split("?");
    var get_params;
    if (url.length > 1) {
      get_params = url[1];
    if (get_params) {
      window.location.href = "/shop/" + jQuery(this).val() + "?" + get_params;
    } else {
      window.location.href = "/shop/" + jQuery(this).val();
  jQuery("#sortby").on("change", function() {
    window.location.href = window.location.href.split("?")[0] + "?sort=" + jQuery(this).val();
  jQuery('.img-container').each(function(i, img) {
    var actualImage = new Image();
    actualImage.src = jQuery(this).css('background-image').replace(/"/g,"").replace(/url\(|\)$/ig, "");
    var container = jQuery(this);
    actualImage.onload = function() {
      width = this.width;
      height = this.height;
      var box = 225;
      if (width < box) {
        container.html("<img src='" + this.src + "' />");
        var width_centered = (box - width) / 2;
        var height_centered = (box - height) / 2;
        container.css({'background-image': 'none'});
        container.find("img").css({'position': 'relative', 'left': width_centered, 'top': height_centered});
  {% if reviews_data %}
    score: function() {
      return jQuery(this).attr('data-score');
    readOnly: true,
    starType : 'i',
    hints: null
  {% endif %}
{% endblock %}


{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}Product{% endblock %}

{% block override_metatags %}
<meta property="og:url" content="{{ product | product_ecom_url(http=True) }}" />
{% if product.images %}
<meta property="og:image" content="{{ product.images[0].url[2:]}}" />
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}

{% block css %}
  {{ 'css/plugins/pikachoose/base.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{% endblock %}

{% block page_content %}
<div class="headline-container">
  <div class="headline">
    <div class="container">
      <div class="row">
          <div class="header-article col-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1">
              <h2 class="heading h-section text-center large-grp" data-barley="shop_main_product_heading" data-barley-editor="simple">The Shop</h2> 
              <p id="shop-product-breadcrumb"><a href="/shop/all" data-barley="shop_main_breadcrumb" data-barley-editor="simple">The Shop</a> / {{ }}</p> 

<div class="container">
  <div class="product">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-sm-5 thumbs">
        <ul id="thumbs">
          {% for img in product.images %}
              {{ product | object_img_tag(index=loop.index0, default_img_path=settings.product_placeholder_img, ref=product.images[loop.index0].url) }}
          {% endfor %}

      <div class="col-sm-7" itemscope itemtype="">
        <h2 class="hsecondary-grp" itemprop="name">{{ }}</h2>

        {% set min = product.calc_min_ecom_price() %}
        {% set max = product.calc_max_ecom_price() %}

        {% if max == min %}
          <span class="price">{{ min | currency }}</span>
        {% else %}
          <span class="price">{{ min | currency }} - {{ max | currency }}</span>
        {% endif %}

        <form action="/cart/add" method="POST" role="form" class="cform" id="product-form">
          {% for variant in product.variants %}
          {% if %}
          <div class="form-group">
            <div class="control-label">{{ | capitalize }}</div>
            <select class="cselect" name="variant:{{ }}" >
              {% for value in variant.values %}
              <option value="{{ value.value }}">{{ value.value.lstrip() | capitalize }}</option>
              {% endfor %}
          {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}

          {% set quantity = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] %}
          <div class="form-group">
            <div class="control-label">Quantity</div>
            <select class="cselect" name="quantity">
              {% for q in quantity %}
              {% endfor %}
          <input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="{{ }}" />
          <input type="hidden" name="product_name" value="{{ }}" />                                   

          <div class="out-of-stock"></div>        
          <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">ADD TO CART</button>
        {% if product.description %}
        <hr />
        <h4 class="heading" data-barley="shop_product_description" data-barley-editor="simple">Product Description</h4>
        <p itemprop="description">{{ product.description | safe}}</p>
        {% endif %}
        <hr />
        <div class="row">
          {% if reviews_data %}
          <div class="col-xs-6">
            <div class="product-avg-rating" itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="">
              <span style="display: none;" itemprop="ratingValue">{{ reviews_data.avg_rating | float }}</span>
              <span class="product-rating" data-score="{{ reviews_data.avg_rating | float}}"></span>
              <span itemprop="ratingCount">{{ | length }}</span> reviews
            <a href="#write-a-review" class="btn btn-success">Write a Review</a>
          {% endif %}

          <div class="col-xs-6">
            <h4 class="heading" data-barley="shop_product_social" data-barley-editor="simple">Share this product</h4>
              <span class="fb-share-button" data-layout="button_count"></span>
                <a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="{{ product | product_ecom_url(http=True) }}" data-text="Check out {{}}!">Tweet</a>
                <script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');</script>
              <span class="pinterest-share-button">
                <a href="//{{ product | product_ecom_url(http=True) }}&amp;{%if product.images%}media={{ product.images[0].url[2:]}}&amp;{%endif%}description=Next%20stop%3A%20Pinterest" data-pin-do="buttonPin" data-pin-config="beside" data-pin-color="red"><img src="//" /></a>
                <script type="text/javascript" async defer src="//"></script>

    {% if reviews_data %}
    <div id="product-reviews-list-row" class="row">
      <div class="col-xs-12">
        <h3 class="heading product-reviews-list-heading">{{ reviews_data.copy_settings.review_headline }}</h3>

      {% if | length == 0 %}
        <div class="product-review-empty col-xs-12">
        {{ reviews_data.copy_settings.empty_review_text }}
      {% endif %}

      {% for review in %}
      <div class="col-xs-12 product-review">
        <div class="product-review-info">
          <div class="product-review-meta">{{ review.meta_string }}</div>
          <div class="product-review-rating product-rating" data-score="{{ review.rating }}"></div>

        <div class="product-review-content">
          <h4 class="product-review-title"> {{ review.title }}</h4>
          <p class="product-review-body"> {{ review.body }}</p>
      {% endfor %}
      {% if reviews_data.addl_reviews %}
      <div class="col-xs-12">
        <a id="reviews-show-more" href="#reviews-show-more">Show More</a>
      {% endif %}

    <div id="write-a-review" class="row">
      <div class="col-xs-12">
        <h3 class="write-review-heading">{{ reviews_data.copy_settings.review_form_header }}</h3>

        {% set messages = get_flashed_messages(with_categories=True, category_filter=['review_success']) %}
        {% if messages %}
          {% set message = messages[0][1] %}
          <div class="write-review-message">
            {{ reviews_data.copy_settings.review_form_success }} {{ message|safe }}
        {% elif reviews_data.write_disabled %}
          <div class="write-review-message">
            {% if reviews_data.disabled_reason == 'login' %}
              You must <a href="/customer/login">login</a> before writing a review.
            {% elif reviews_data.disabled_reason == 'duplicate' %}
              You have already submitted a review for this product.
            {% else %}
              Writing a review has been temporarily disabled.
            {% endif %}
        {% else %}
          <form action="/shop/product_review/{{ }}" method="POST" class="form-horizontal">
            <div class="write-review-rating-row">
              <span class="write-review-rating-label">
                How would you rate this product?
              <span id="write-review-rating"></span>

            <div class="form-group">
              <div class="col-xs-12">
                <input type="text" class="form-control input-lg write-review-title" name="review_title" id="review-title" placeholder="{{ reviews_data.copy_settings.review_form_title }}">

            <div class="form-group">
              <div class="col-xs-12">
                <textarea rows="5" class="form-control write-review-body" name="review_body" placeholder="{{ reviews_data.copy_settings.review_form_body }}"></textarea>

            <div class="form-group">
              <div class="col-xs-12">
                <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Submit</button>
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

{% block page_javascript %}  
<script src="{{ 'js/jquery.pikachoose.min.js' | asset_url }}"></script>

{% if reviews_data %}
{{ 'js/bower_components/raty/lib/jquery.raty.js' | global_asset_url | javascript_tag }}
{% endif %}

window.cur_product = {{ product.json() | safe }};
  function (){
    var product = {{ product.json() | safe }};
  $("#product-form select[name^='variant'], #product-form select[name^='quantity']").on("change", function() {
      var variants = {};
      $("#product-form select[name^='variant']").each(function(el) {
        variants[$(this).attr("name").split(':')[1]] = $(this).val();
      var instance = match_variants_instance(product, variants);
    // Set price to current instance price
    $(".product .price").text(window.currency + (instance.price / 100.0).toFixed(2));
    if (product.instances.length == 1) {
    } else {
      $("#product-form select[name^='variant']").change();
    function match_variants_instance(product, selected_variants) {
      var matched_instance = false;
      $.each(product.instances, function(i, instance) {
        var variants_match = true;
        $.each(instance.variants, function(i, variant) {
          if (variant.variant_value.value != selected_variants[]) {
            variants_match = false;
            return false;
        if (variants_match === true) {
          matched_instance = instance;
          return false;
      return matched_instance;
    function check_out_of_stock(instance) {
    var selected_quantity = parseInt($("#product-form select[name^='quantity']").val());
      if (instance === false || (instance.inventory.out_of_stock_purchases === false && instance.inventory.quantity_on_hand <= 0)) {
        $("#product-form .out-of-stock").html("Out Of Stock!");
        $('#product-form :submit').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
    } else if (selected_quantity > instance.inventory.quantity_on_hand && instance.inventory.out_of_stock_purchases === false) {
      $("#product-form .out-of-stock").html("Sorry, there are only " + instance.inventory.quantity_on_hand + " left in stock!");
      $('#product-form :submit').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
      } else {
        $("#product-form .out-of-stock").html("");
        $('#product-form :submit').removeAttr('disabled');
  {% if reviews_data %}
    score: function() {
      return jQuery(this).attr('data-score');
    readOnly: true,
    starType: 'i',
    hints: null
    scoreName: 'review_rating',
    starType: 'i',
    hints: null
  {% endif %}
{% endblock %}