This article will walk you through how to increase your product prices for both Subscription and One-Time Products.


Changing Price for Both New and Existing Subscriptions
Changing Price for New Subscriptions, Keeping Current Price for Existing Subscriptions
Changing Prices Only on the Marketplace

Which price change is best? It depends on what you want to do!

  • Change price for both New and Existing subscriptions: you need all customers to pay the new pricing
  • Changing price for New subscriptions, keeping the current price for existing subscribers: you want to reward existing subscribers by not changing their price but having all new customers pay the new price
  • Change prices only on the Marketplace: you want to offer a higher price for your Marketplace products to offset any Marketplace fees while offering a different price on your storefront

Please note that any price changes you make for existing subscribers will go into effect after their next renewal. 

Changing Price for Both New and Existing Subscriptions

Follow this guide if you’re wanting to change the price of a subscription product for all of your subscribers.

Step One: Select the Product to Update

Simply click into the subscription product that you want to update the price on.

Scroll down to Terms & Pricing under Subscribe Flow.

Step Two: Update Your Pricing

Under Terms & Pricing, make the updates and edits to your pricing for both new and existing subscribers.

If you offer Variant Pricing, then you will update the prices under “Product Pricing”. 

Step Three: Save Your Changes

Once you’ve updated your prices in Terms & Pricing, click on the green “save” button at the top or bottom of your subscription product page.

After clicking “Save” you will get a pop notification telling you that these changes may affect your existing subscribers. If you’ve already communicated with your existing subscribers the price change, click “Save Changes”. 

Changing Price for New Subscriptions, Keeping Current Price for Existing Subscribers

Follow this guide if you want to reward existing subscribers by not changing their price but have all new customers pay the new price.

Step One: Duplicate the Product

In order to duplicate the product, you will want to hover over the product you want to duplicate to the right of "Inventory" and a "Duplicate" button will show.

Click on the “Duplicate” button to duplicate the product that you want to change the price of for new subscribers.

Your duplicated product should have the name of your subscription product with the word Duplicate in parentheses. You will want to remove that and name it something appropriate.

Step Two: Edit the Prices on Duplicate & Save

Edit the price on the new duplicate. If you do not offer variant pricing, you will edit your prices under “Subscribe Flow” and “Terms & Pricing”.

If you offer Variant Pricing, then you will update the prices under “Product Pricing”.

Once you’ve edited your prices, you will want to click the green “Save” button at the bottom or top of your subscription product page. 

Make sure your saved product is visible at the top right of the subscription product page.

Step Three: Hide Old Product

Go back to the subscription product page and find your product with the old pricing, you will want to hide that product from being visible to your new subscribers.

Once you turn the visibility off (so it shows red), click the green “Save” button. 

Now your subscription product with the old pricing is only available to existing subscribers already on that subscription product.

If an existing subscriber wants to make a change to their subscription, such as the term they’re subscribed to or if their subscription expires and they attempt to reactivate their subscription, then they will get the new subscription product price, not the old one. 

Step Four: Reassign the Product Listing

At this point, the listing for the old product will be reassignable. You will want to click on the product listing for the product you’re wanting to reassign.

You should be able to select the new duplicate product from the product drop-down on the listing.

Once you select the product from the drop-down menu, click save as draft to lock the product with the updated pricing into your product listing.

Step Five: Publish the Reassigned Product Listing

Once you’ve updated everything and are ready, click "Publish" on the product listing. 

Any existing reviews and Q&A stay on the listing for the product. (Doing it this way will allow them to keep the Q& A as well as the reviews.)

Changing Prices Only on the Marketplace

Follow this guide if you want to offer a higher price for your Marketplace products to offset any Marketplace fees while offering a different price on your storefront.

Step One: Duplicate the Product

In order to duplicate the product, you will want to hover over the product you want to duplicate to the right of “Inventory” and a “Duplicate” button will show.

Click on the “Duplicate” button to duplicate the product that you want to change the price of for new subscribers. 

Your duplicated product should have the name of your subscription product with the word Duplicate in parentheses.

Step Two: Update the Product Prices

Edit the price on the new duplicate. If you don’t do variant pricing, you will edit your prices under “Subscribe Flow” and “Terms & Pricing”.

If you do Variant Pricing, then you will update the prices under “Product Pricing”. 

Step Two: Contact Cratejoy Support

Submit a ticket to Cratejoy Support here with the following information: 

  • Name of product to be MP visible only

    • Link to the product to be MP Visible only

  • Name of product to be Storefront visible only

    • Link to the product to be Storefront visible only

Cratejoy Support should be able to make the correct products visible on the marketplace for you with that information.

Step Three: Reassign the Product Listing

Once the duplicates with the updated prices are the only ones that are marketplace visible, the listing for the old product with the old price will be reassignable.

You should be able to select the new duplicate product from the product drop-down on the listing.

Once you select the product from the drop-down menu, click save as draft to lock the product with the updated pricing into your product listing. 

Step Four: Publish the Reassigned Product Listing

Assign the listing for the old product to the new product and click "Publish". 

That should make it so the existing reviews and Q&A stay on the listing for the product. (Doing it this way will allow them to keep the Q& A as well as the reviews.)

Related Links: Changing Price on One-Time Products | Cratejoy Listing: Buyer Transaction Fees