This article covers what information can be found in the Customer Export. This is the record for all information about your existing and previous customers. The number corresponds to what column # has that information.
Customer Information
1. customer_id - The ID for the customer.
2. first_name
3. last_name
4. name - First & Last name combined.
5. email
6. note - The customer note, if available.
Address Info. Here, you can find information about the customer’s default address. The customer may have additional addresses attached to their account.
7. ship_to
8. ship_street
9. ship_unit
10. ship_city
11. ship_state
12. ship_zip_code
13. ship_country
14. location - If in the US, then this will be “State, US”. If not in the US, then just “Country”
15. country
Customer revenue and history
16. total_revenue: All revenue (minus discounts and refunds, and not including any tax or shipping costs) associated with this customer ID. This is recorded in the smallest currency unit for the account’s currency. E.g. ‘1999’ for an account in USD is $19.99 while ‘199’ for an account in JPY ¥ is ¥199.
7. mrr: Monthly recurring revenue for this customer; how much does this customer pay to you per month in recurring subscription costs. This is recorded in the smallest currency unit for the account’s currency. E.g. ‘1999’ for an account in USD is $19.99 while ‘199’ for an account in JPY ¥ is ¥199.
18. wrr: Now deprecated! Will be blank.
19. num_orders: The number of orders this customer has associated with them, including all renewal orders
20. num_subscriptions: The number of subscriptions (of any status) the customer has.
21. subscription_status: One of the following:
- active - if the customer’s subscription or subscription(s) are all active.
- expired - if the customer’s subscription or subscription(s) are all expired.
- cancelled - if the customer’s subscription or subscription(s) are all cancelled.
- past due - if the customer’s subscription or subscription(s) are all past due
- renewing - if the customer’s subscription or subscription(s) are all renewing at the time of the export.
- none - if the customer has never purchased a subscription
- mixed - if the customer has multiple subscriptions with you of different statuses
22. payment_provider: The default payment method for this customer.
23. last4: The last 4 credit card numbers for this customer’s default payment method.
Cratejoy Marketplace Attribution
24. source: Now deprecated! May have information in it, but please refer instead to column #25, marketplace_source.
25. marketplace_source: True/False. True if the customer originated from Marketplace; otherwise False.
Additional Customer Info
26. customer_metadata: Metadata associated with the customer, if available.
27. ship_phone_number: The phone number associated with the customer’s default address, if the user entered it at the time of checkout.