The Subscription Export gives you information about your subscriptions. The number by the field corresponds to what column # has that information.

Tip: To pull faster exports, be sure to use filters on the Subscriptions page. You can easily filter and download subscriptions by what product they've signed up for, how recently they signed up, and more.

1. subscription_ID: The unique ID for the subscription.

Customer Info

2. customer: The name of the customer who purchased the subscription

3. email: The email address of the customer who purchased the subscription

Shipping Address. Includes the most recent shipping address for the given subscription ID, at the time of the export. Note that the subscription might have other addresses attached!

4. ship_to

5. ship_street_address

6. ship_unit

7. ship_city

8. ship_state

9. ship_zip_code

10. ship_country

Billing Address (Legacy). Note: Cratejoy no longer requires a full separate billing address entered by the customer; for most customers, billing address will be the same as shipping address!

11. bill_street_address

12. bill_unit

13. bill_city

14. bill_state

15. bill_zip_code

16. bill_country

Subscription Info:

17. status. Current status for the subscription at the time of the export. Can be one of active, expired, cancelled, past due, or renewing.

18. total_revenue: All subscription revenue (minus discounts and refunds) associated with this subscription ID. This is recorded in the smallest currency unit for the account’s currency. E.g. ‘1999’ for an account in USD is $19.99 while ‘199’ for an account in JPY ‎¥ is ¥199‎.

19. mrr: Monthly recurring revenue for this subscription; how much does this subscription product cost. This is recorded in the smallest currency unit for the account’s currency. E.g. ‘1999’ for an account in USD is $19.99 while ‘199’ for an account in JPY ‎¥ is ¥199‎.

Deprecated fields, now empty.

20. wrr

21. fulfillment_status

22. products

Subscription Product information

23. start_date: The purchase date for the subscription.

24. end_date: If the subscription is active, the expected date of next renewal. If the subscription is not active, the cancellation or expiration date.

25. term: The prepayment term, in words. E.g. “Month to Month” or “3-Month Prepay”

26. contents: Information about the subscription product; useful if you have subscription product variants, as it will include a concatenated version of your variants. For example, if you offer a clothing box where a user must select their shirt, pants, and shoe size as variants, you may see “u’variants_name’: ‘u:Clothing Box, S, M, 7.5’” if a subscriber has selected shirt=S, pants=M, and shoes=7.5.

Subscription Order Information

27. subscription note: This can be a manually-entered subscription note, but will also include a cancellation reason if the subscription is cancelled, or was cancelled at any time.

28. coupons: The subscription coupon(s) that are eligible to be applied on this subscription’s next renewal.

29. inactive_coupon: Coupon(s) that are not eligible to be applied on this subscription’s next renewal. For example, could be a 10OFF coupon that a subscriber used when they first purchased a subscription that only applied to their first shipment.

30. skipped: True/False. Tells you if the subscription has had its renewal skipped during this cycle.

31. metafields: Subscription metadata, captured at the time of the order or updated later via the API.

32. is_gift: True/False. Tells you if the subscription was purchased as a gift or not.

33. gift_message: The gift message associated with the subscription, if it (1) was a gift and (2) was left with a gift message.

34. cancel_date: Date the subscription was cancelled (or most recently cancelled, the subscription has been cancelled and reactivated multiple times)

35. ship_phone_number: Phone number associated with the shipping address at checkout.

36. will_renew: True/False. Whether the subscription was purchased as a subscription that renews or not.

37. gift_recipient_name. For gift subscriptions, the recipient’s name.

38. gift_recipient_email. For gift subscriptions, the recipient’s email address.

Product Information

39. product_1: the name of the subscription product ordered. Additional columns may be at the end that map to the subscription variants selected. E.g. if you offer a subscription product where someone selects a size and color, then column 40 might be size and column 41 might be color.