I see a notification of a ShipStation sync in progress2019-03-25-160244_1314x47_scrot.png

This means we are receiving requests from shipstation to pull shipments into their system for the date range specified. This will update as progress is made. You can dismiss it if you like, and it will only re-appear once completed or failed, at which point you can dismiss it permanently.

I see a notification of a ShipStation sync success


This means ShipStation has successfully copied shipments for the date range specified. Hooray!


I see a notification of a ShipStation sync failure


This means there was a sync in progress that did not retrieve all shipments. :(

Usually there will be a retry (and you will see this go back to in progress if so) but if you do not see this date range get a success after, you are likely missing shipments in ShipStation. If you think you are missing shipments, ShipStation has asked that you reach out to their support so they can investigate further.