The brief description of your box is the first thing that a potential subscriber will see as they are scrolling through their options. Think of it as the window to your online store. Customers that glance at your description should both understand what it’s saying, but also be intrigued to find out more. 

The brief description should clearly describe what is in the box or the experience that it delivers. A box with a clear and enticing description will get more attention. 

Example of Good Brief Descriptions

  • Sensory toys to engage your child in fun therapeutic play

  • Delivering geeky and fandom themed printed art and goodies, right to your door!

  • Explore the world one country at a time!

Where to Find the Brief Description on Your Listing Set Up Page

Customers Will See Your Brief Description in Two Places

Search page:

Listing page: 

Want to learn more? Read this article about Cratejoy Listing: Detailed Description next.