As of July 2022, Cratejoy has updated our payment processing on the Marketplace. Learn more about Cratejoy Payments here.

Please note: This article does NOT apply to sellers using Cratejoy Payments. Unsure if you are using Cratejoy Payments? View our guide to find out.

Based on merchant feedback and our research, TaxJar is the best third-party resource to help you with calculating your sales tax and knowing when you’ve reached nexus (click here to learn about Nexus). We have a TaxJar/SalesTax export specifically formatted for TaxJar. Here’s how you can download your TaxJar sales tax report from Cratejoy: 

1. Install the TaxJar app

In the Cratejoy App Store, in the seller portal, you can install the TaxJar App for free.

2. Download the TaxJar Export 

By installing the TaxJar app in Cratejoy, you’ll have access to export your sales data specifically formatted to TaxJar under Analytics > General > Sales Tax

3. Click Export -> Export - TaxJar CSV

An export will be added to the queue, and you will see the progress in the global notification banner at the top of the screen. When it is complete, the notification will turn green, indicating success, with a link to the export. You will also receive an e-mail when it is complete with a link to the export if you are exporting a large number of transactions.

This export can then be used to import directly into your TaxJar account. It is already formatted as they expect, so you do not need to make any adjustments to the report.

4. Login to your TaxJar account 

Click “Import Your Data” at the top of the page, then click Upload your CSV.


5. How to find out when you've reached nexus.

To find out when you've reached nexus, click "Run the Checker" from your TaxJar Dashboard. 

6. Import Sales Data

You'll have to import your sales data from the previous two calendar years in order for this to be accurate. Once this is done, click the following checkbox: "Yes, all of my data from this year and last year is imported", then click the "Run the Checker" button. You can learn more about importing transactions to your TaxJar account in their help documentation, here.

The following page will show where you reached the nexus threshold. You’ll need to reach out to Cratejoy Support, and let us know what states you’ve reached nexus–we’ll enable a “Tax Override” that automatically calculates sales tax based on state, country, and city sales taxes, if applicable.